Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Should Have Known Better

I know one or two pictures would suffice, but my heart breaks leaving one out :( Sorry! I guess I'm one of those kinds of people who put up so many pictures, (of almost the exact same picture) that if you were to flip through them, it would almost give you a moving picture affect. I always feel the need to apologize for that.

I was trying to do the dishes and thought that maybe I could let Atalia kick her feet in the running water. I thought that would be fun for her and I'd be getting the dishes done at the same time (Multi-tasking! Alright!). I should have known better. She was not satisfied with JUST her feet in the water. Slowly she slid her little body in the sink full of soapy water.

Between the pictures and videos, this is a well documented event lol.

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